Corvina is a red wine grape most famously known as a key component of Valpolicella wines, along with Rondinella and Molinara grapes. Its most common characteristic is its sour cherry flavor, as well as its lack of color and tannin. Corvina wines tend to be bright red and lighter in structure. The variety also lends itself well to the apassimento process of air-drying grapes, used to make the famous Amarone wine.
Produced in a wide range of styles, a deep velvety Corvina can be paired with anything from classic spicy meat dishes such as chicken curry, tandoori, brisket, pulled pork, burgers, and ribs with BBQ sauce. When vinified as a Bardolino Chiaretto (rosé), it is excellent paired with fish, sushi, and spaghetti with clams.
Produced in a wide range of styles, a deep velvety Corvina can be paired with anything from classic spicy meat dishes such as chicken curry, tandoori, brisket, pulled pork, burgers, and ribs with BBQ sauce. When vinified as a Bardolino Chiaretto (rosé), it is excellent paired with fish, sushi, and spaghetti with clams.